• Brought to you by The CLARSACH SOCIETY

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  • WORKSHOP (W03): BRETON DANCE Kevin Le Pennec

    George Watson's College 69 Colinton Road, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

    Kevin will introduce you to the steps of several Breton dances, accompanied by songs in French. No instruments are required, just your feet and your voices!


    WORKSHOP (W01): TĀLA TARANG Bollywood Magic

    George Watson's College 69 Colinton Road, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

    Bring a harp (or any instrument!) along to join in this fun, all-level workshop where Mendi will guide you through all the rhythms of Indian film music, from folk beats to bhangra. Ellie will provide sheet music for the harp players and you’ll soon be immersed in the music from a variety of magical Bollywood …


    WORKSHOP (W02): GAELIC SONG Màiri Callan

    George Watson's College 69 Colinton Road, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

    Join award-winning Gaelic singer and clarsach player, Màiri, and learn a Gaelic song with harp accompaniment. Open to Gaelic beginners and learners, and non-harp players. Supported by the Highland Branch of The Clarsach Society


    WORKSHOP (W04): DEBORAH HENSON-CONANT Introduction to Improvisation

    George Watson's College 69 Colinton Road, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

    Do you freeze or panic when someone says “Improvise!”?  Do you run out of ideas before you even start? Does your left hand get lost when your right hand gets started … and then you lose the rhythm?  If you answered “Yes” to any of these – then this workshop is for YOU! It all …



    George Watson's College 69 Colinton Road, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

    Have you ever wondered why some people seem more resilient than others? Is resilience a fixed entity or can you learn to become more resilient? And what part does stress play? In this thought-provoking and uplifting workshop, come and learn how new discoveries about the brain have changed the way we think about resilience. Tana …


    WORKSHOP (W05): IRISH HARP AND FIDDLE Séamus & Caoimhe Uí Fhlatharta

    George Watson's College 69 Colinton Road, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

    Séamus and Caoimhe will share their knowledge of the roots of authentic Irish music and song, and explore the fresh, contemporary approaches to melodic and vocal arrangement within the tradition. You are welcome to bring your harp and fiddle. Supported by the Wales Branch of The Clarsach Society


    WORKSHOP (W06): SINGING TOGETHER Kathy Stewart Kennedy

    George Watson's College 69 Colinton Road, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

    New York singer/songwriter Kathy Stewart Kennedy, now resident in Scotland, has performed throughout the UK and Europe and now runs Singing for Wellbeing groups in the Scottish Borders and Edinburgh. Kathy believes that singing is our birthright, a way to express all spectrums of emotion from joy to grief. So join her and feel good …


    WORKSHOP (W09): STRINGS OF PASSION Deborah Henson-Conant

    George Watson's College 69 Colinton Road, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

    "Strings of Passion" is Deborah Henson-Conant's interactive concert/lecture experience that fuses music, philosophy, and humour to explore the principles of the creative process, illustrating each principle through stories and musical demonstrations that trace the journey of an idea from its creative impulse to its moment of expressive "lift-off". Using the harp as both a musical …



    George Watson's College 69 Colinton Road, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

    Karen will demonstrate each of the three Scottish harps: the older wire-strung harp of the Gaels with its long resonance, the more familiar modern lever harp, and the buzzing bray harp of the Renaissance and Baroque periods. The workshop will look at the different characteristics, tones, timbres, and techniques of each harp and how players …


    WORKSHOP (W08): COMPOSITION Caroline Lizotte

    George Watson's College 69 Colinton Road, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

    Caroline will give an overview of writing for the pedal harp, with examples through music scores, collections and books.  She will demonstrate composition concept progression from initial inspiration to scoring, and processing from image to music and/or music to image, with examples through her works. Caroline was named Composer of the Year at the Prix …



    George Watson's College 69 Colinton Road, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

    Bring fiddle and flute, guitar and percussion, harp and tuba… whatever you want! The Tarab Trio invites you to join them in this fun participatory workshop full of catchy tunes from the Middle East. You will learn some Anatolian melodies and possibly even get the chance to step along to a 10/8 dance rhythm.


    WORKSHOP (W13): BRETON SONG Kevin Le Pennec

    George Watson's College 69 Colinton Road, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

    A great opportunity to sing traditional High-Brittany songs, in French, together!  Lyrics will be handed out during the workshop to make learning easier, so bring your recording equipment and join Kevin in this convivial musical experience.


    WORKSHOP (W11): MASTERCLASS Caroline Lizotte

    George Watson's College 69 Colinton Road, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

    A wonderful opportunity to observe the highly respected harpist and composer Caroline Lizotte as she uses her expertise to guide selected harp students through pieces of their choice.Caroline founded the Lizotte Academia harp camp, specialising in teaching her own compositions. She currently teaches at the Université de Montréal’s Faculty of Music in Quebec and is …
