• Brought to you by The CLARSACH SOCIETY

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  • European Folk Day – NEW DOCUMENTARY from Drake Music Scotland at EIHF 2024

    We received some wonderful news today from our friends at Drake Music Scotland

    “In recognition of European Folk Day, We’re delighted to share a new documentary about Rhona Smith’s (Drake Music Scotland musician) recent involvement with the Edinburgh International Harp Festival . Working with Stephanie Humphrys and Ali Gillies – this film by Tom Swift Films follows the creative journey to performance in April 2024.

    Thanks to the Tasgadh fund (Creative Scotland) and PRS Foundation for supporting our work with disabled artists.”

    The short documentary film depicting the creative journey of the two musicians preparing for a performance at our festival back in April is well worth a watch.


    Young Composer Award 2024 – DEADLINE APPROACHING

    The Iain Macleòid Young Composer Award is The Clarsach Society‘s annual competition named in memory of John Macleod.

    Composers between 16 & 30 years of age, including non-harp players, are invited to submit an original piece of music (single movement or suite), 8-10 minutes in length, for either solo clarsach (lever harp) including wire strung harp, or clarsach and up to 3 other instruments and/or voices.

    The award is £1000 plus a premiere performance at the Edinburgh International Harp Festival 11-15 April 2025.

    The deadline for entries is 1st November 2024.

    For full details on how to apply, and the competition rules, please visit the website of The Clarsach Society HERE.


    We are looking for a part-time Festival Assistant to provide comprehensive support to the Festival Team in delivering the Edinburgh International Harp Festival which runs from 11-15 April 20025 at George Watson’s College.

    Job Title:        Festival Assistant [6-month Contract]

    Location:         Edinburgh Office / Remote Working

    Pay:                £14 per hour

    Hours:             Flexible hours weekly (min. 10hrs)

    Closing date:   12 noon, Fri 13th Sept 2024

    Interviews:       w/c Mon 23rd Sept 2024

    DUTIES: Support the Administrator and EIHF Committee, including:

    Before the Festival:

    • Marketing and publicity, including website and social media
    • Dealing with communication by email and phone
    • Processing ticket bookings, following up on booking enquiries
    • Liaising with committee members, artists and attendees
    • Other administrative tasks as necessary
    • Attend training sessions for Red61 (our ticketing system) and Zoom (used for teaching)

    During the Festival:

    • Set up and maintain the Festival office / box office
    • Managing Artist merchandise sales using SumUp
    • Assist the Festival team with daily duties and volunteer training
    • Support stewards and other volunteers with processing of tickets and other public-facing tasks
    • Provide administrative support to artist/tutors and Festival Team
    • Offer hands-on support as required e.g. backstage or front-of-house


    • w/c Mon 21st Oct – Induction
    • 28th Oct 2024 – 9th April 2025: min. 10hrs per week with increases towards the Festival. Working hours flexible.
    • 10th-16th April 2025: 7 days (5 days of the Festival itself + 1 day either side). 

    Download the full Job Description and application details here

    EIHF ’24 Photo Gallery

    We’ve now uploaded our photos from the 2024 Edinburgh International Harp Festival onto the Gallery page of this website. We’d like to say a huge thank you to our photographer John Davidson for taking such great pictures, and providing a record of the festival for many years to come. We hope you enjoy looking at them.

    EIHF Video: Introducing Eleanor Dunsdon & Gregor Black

    We are proud to offer young harp players in the early stages of their careers a platform at the Edinburgh International Harp Festival and this week we’d like to introduce to you the duo of Eleanor Dunsdon and Gregor Black. 

    A Glasgow-based harp and percussion duo, they met during their postgraduate studies in Traditional Music at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland.  They blend respective sounds of Scottish clarsach and Irish bodhrán with contemporary percussion and vocals and if you watch the below the video we’re sure you’ll agree the result is just sublime!

    Check out the below video they’ve recorded for us

    They’ll be performing for the first time at the Edinburgh International Harp Festival during the Monday afternoon concert alongside the RNCM (Royal Northern College of Music) Harp Ensemble.
    The concert will also feature the premiere performance of Ambaist by the 2023 winner of The Clarsach Society’s Iain Macleòid Young Composer Award, Ireland’s Donnchadh Mac Aodha. 


    CONCERT: Monday 8th April, 3pm

    Oh AND Gregor has agreed to teach another bodhran class for us!
    Come & Try Bodhran: Tuesday 9th April, 9.00am-10.30am

    Extra Adult Beginners Course / Come & Try Bodhran

    Due to popularity, we’ve just added another ADULT BEGINNERS harp course to our schedule, with tutor Toni Russell. Harps are provided so please let anyone know who might be interested. 

    • Adult Beginners
    • 4 Day Course 6-9 April: Sat / Sun / Mon / Tue 4.30pm-6.00pm
    • Harps provided
    • Book HERE

    Did you miss out on booking a place on COME & TRY BODHRAN with Gregor Black? Well he’s agreed to teach another session on Tuesday 9th April.  Please bring your own bodhran if you have one, however a limited number of bodhrans will be available, but please contact the office in advance office@harpfestival.co.uk.

    • Come & Try Bodhran
    • Tuesday 9th April, 9.00am-10.30am
    • Book HERE

    Harp course for primary school players…

    We’ve just lowered the price of this year’s primary school age children’s course to just £40 – a real bargain for 90 minutes each day for 4 days!

    Our tutor for this year is Heather Yule so if you know any young player’s who’d like to come to this elementary level course, please let them know about it.

    Book HERE

    • Fun for Primary School Age Children
    • 4 DAY COURSE: Sat / Sun / Mon / Tue 1.00pm-2.30pm 
    • TUTOR: Heather Yule
    • LEVEL: Elementary
    • TEACHING METHOD E+M:Teaching will be initially by ear with written music given out during or at the end of each session.
    • Heather will choose some lovely tunes, mostly from Scotland, and help you get them under your fingers and draw out their magic sound. This course is for children of primary school age who enjoy playing the harp and want to develop their skills further and maybe even hear some stories along the way.

    EIHF Video: Introducing Malachy Arnold

    We’re proud to give young harp players in the early years of their career a platform at the Edinburgh International Harp Festival. This year we would like to introduce you to Malachy Arnold.

    Check out the below video he’s recorded for us featuring his fiery fingernail and rhythmic style of playing. Rooted in both the Scottish and Irish traditions, Malachy learnt from Breton harpist Tristan Le Govic, Scottish harpist Gillian Fleetwood and his aunt, the Irish harpist Laoise Kelly… all mighty teachers and friends of us at the EIHF

    Malachy plays in the trad group Tarran, a 4 piece trad group featuring harp, fiddle, keys and bodhran. They’ll be performing alongside Adriano Sangineto on Sunday 7th April at 7.30pm.

    He’ll also be teaching a 4-day course entitled Regional Irish Tunes for Harp both in-person and online (at a separate time). 

    COURSES (click for more info & to book)
    Each course 90 mins on Sat/Sun/Mon/Tue
    REGIONAL IRISH TUNES FOR HARP (IN-PERSON) with Malachy Arnold (intermediate)
    REGIONAL IRISH TUNES FOR HARP (ONLINE) with Malachy Arnold (intermediate)

    CONCERT (click for more info & to book)
    Supported by The United Kingdom Harp Association and Italian Cultural Institute of Edinburgh

    FREE EIHF Youth Outreach Events

    EIHF YOUTH OUTREACH 2024 – 2 FREE EVENTS, with 3 fantastic tutors: Adriano Sangineto , Elinor Evans and Neil Wood.

    To sign up to these events please email office@harpfestival.co.uk


    Do you know any school aged harp players? This year’s EIHF outreach is a two day project bringing together young harpers of all ages to take part in a performance of The Dream Makers, a magical suite of newly created music based upon the traditional tale of the same name. The story will be told live by storyteller Shona Cowie and will intertwine music performed by the EIHF Junior Ensemble, led by Neil Wood and Elinor Evans. 

    The project is open to all school aged harpers of any level of experience provided they have access to an instrument and some previous experience of playing. It is FREE to attend for participants. 

    Music will be distributed at the beginning of March for participants to familiarise themselves with prior to rehearsals. During rehearsals participants will have the opportunity to contribute to the creative process and shape the performance. 

    • Open to all school aged harp players
    • Rehearsals: Thursday 4th April 10.30am – 3.00pm and Friday 5th April 10.30am – 3.00pm (please bring a packed lunch)
    • Venue: Music School, George Watson’s College
    • Performance: Friday 5th April 3.00pm-4.00pm (support by The Royal Celtic Society)
    • Venue: Music School Auditorium, George Watson’s College
    • Audience tickets: £8 for adults, free for under 18. Book via harpfestival.co.uk

    The Dream Makers, Pre festival EIHF Youth Outreach is supported by: Tasgadh, Traditional Small arts grants


    Young harp players of any style and of high school age (approx age 11-18) are invited to take part in an intermediate/advanced level workshop with Adriano Sangineto. It is FREE to attend for participants. 

    An Italian virtuoso musician, Adriano is internationally recognised for his exceptional contribution to Celtic harp music. He’s taught several times for us at the EIHF and his classes are always popular – we are sure the youngster will love his teaching in this workshop!

    • Open to all High school age harp players
    • Workshop: 6th April, 4.30pm-5.30pm
    • Venue: George Watson’s College, Edinburgh

    Seachdain na Gàidhlig 2024

    Seachdain na Gàidhlig is Scotland’s nationwide language and culture week and takes place this week and lasts until Sunday 16th February. 
    The theme for 2024 is ‘Your Language. Your Opportunity’ encouraging us to celebrate the ways we embrace Gaelic language and culture in our everyday life. Keep an eye our Facebook page where we’ll be sharing daily 9am videos and  “A’ toirt iomradh air saoghal na clàrsaich”  – talking all things clarsach! 

    Interested in learning more Scottish Gaelic? We have 3 Come and Try Gaelic sessions at EIHF 2024 – each only £8!

    COME & TRY GAELIC with Màiri Macleod
    Saturday 6th April: 4.30pm-5.30pm
    Monday 7th April :  1pm-2pm 
    Tuesday 8th April :  9-10am 
    Come learn some basic vocabulary and simple phrases that you can use around our festival and in different scenarios.