Message of support from The Lord Provost
We were delighted to receive this message of support from The Lord Provost.

“Now in its 41st year, the Edinburgh International Harp Festival has truly become one of the most important events in the harping world. This year’s programme promises to be better than ever.
“This annual celebration and gathering of international musical talent continues to grow and with this year’s packed programme of concerts, courses and workshops there is something for all harp enthusiasts.
“I want to take this opportunity to both congratulate and thank the Clarsach Society, as well as the sponsors, supporters and donors for their continued dedication to the EIHF and its continued success.
“On behalf of the City of Edinburgh, I hope you enjoy your time here, and I hope that the festival once again delivers an unforgettable experience for all involved.”
– Frank Ross
The Rt Hon Lord Provost of the City of Edinburgh
Have you got your tickets for the festival? There is a wonderful array of in-person, online and on demand events for you to attend.