Volunteer with EIHF

Volunteers make EIHF happen!
During the Festival
Volunteering at the Festival is a great way to get involved, meet new people and learn new skills.
Training is provided for a variety of rewarding and sociable roles: stewarding, box office, info desk hosts and more. We also offer complimentary concert and workshop tickets as a small way of saying thank you.
For a personal view on volunteering on the Festival, read this blog post by Louise Douglas, a long-serving volunteer with the Festival.
If you’d like to volunteer email Annette : stewardone@harpfestival.co.uk
Behind the Scenes
The Edinburgh International Harp Festival wouldn’t happen without the dedicated work of the Festival Team – most of whom are, as in the early days, volunteers.
If you have relevant skills, expertise and experience in arts administration, finance or marketing – and some time to spare – we’d love to hear from you!
For more information contact the EIHF Office.