Late Night Harpenings at EIHF 2021

Zoom Sessions – Friday and Sunday Night, 9.30-10.30pm
The late night sessions are a much loved part of our festival. Whilst we can’t perfectly recreate them on zoom, we’re going to have a go! On the Friday and Sunday we’re giving you a chance to play some of your much loved tunes and have a bit of social time with fellow festival goers.
Our session leaders will lead tunes and we would ask you to mute as you play along with them.
ON FRIDAY NIGHT our session leader is Irene Watt, who’ll be joined by her covid bubble – husband Graham and friend Maggie.
ON SUNDAY NIGHT our session leader is Ailie Robertson who you’ll hopefully have enjoyed listening to as part of Friday night’s concert.
Email with the subject line SESSIONS and we’ll email you the zoom details. (please be patient for a reply as we are manually doing this)
Download the EIHF Late Night Sessions book HERE
And on Saturday Night we have…
EIHF Live!
A first for the festival, we’ll be hosting an after concert chat-show on Facebook live. Expect some familiar faces, good chat, and maybe even a tune or two!
The stream will appear automatically on our Facebook page HERE at 9.30pm.
You do not have to be signed in to Facebook to access the stream.